A video teaser

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The curated genetic reference database for fish species
Allowing an unambiguous determination of fisheries products

Taxonomy: Families

Genera of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Abalistes of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Acanthurus of family Acanthuridae :

Species of genus Zebrasoma of family Acanthuridae :

Genera of family Achatinidae :

Species of genus Achatina of family Achatinidae :

Genera of family Acipenseridae :

Species of genus Acipenser of family Acipenseridae :

Species of genus Huso of family Acipenseridae :

Genera of family Agonidae :

Species of genus Agonus of family Agonidae :

Genera of family Alepocephalidae :

Species of genus Talismania of family Alepocephalidae :

Species of genus Xenodermichthys of family Alepocephalidae :

Genera of family Anarhichadidae :

Species of genus Anarhichas of family Anarhichadidae :

Species of genus Anarrhichthys of family Anarhichadidae :

Genera of family Anguillidae :

Species of genus Anguilla of family Anguillidae :

Genera of family Anoplogastridae :

Species of genus Anoplogaster of family Anoplogastridae :

Genera of family Antennariidae :

Species of genus Antennarius of family Antennariidae :

Species of genus Histrio of family Antennariidae :

Genera of family Apogonidae :

Species of genus Apogon of family Apogonidae :

Species of genus Paroncheilus of family Apogonidae :

Genera of family Argentinidae :

Species of genus Argentina of family Argentinidae :

Genera of family Arhynchobatidae :

Species of genus Bathyraja of family Arhynchobatidae :

Genera of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Arius of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Carlarius of family Ariidae :

Species of genus Galeichthys of family Ariidae :

Genera of family Ariommatidae :

Species of genus Ariomma of family Ariommatidae :

Genera of family Aristeidae :

Species of genus Aristeus of family Aristeidae :

Genera of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Astacus of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Austropotamobius of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Pacifastacus of family Astacidae :

Species of genus Pontastacus of family Astacidae :

Genera of family Ateleopodidae :

Species of genus Guentherus of family Ateleopodidae :

Genera of family Atherinidae :

Species of genus Hypoatherina of family Atherinidae :

Genera of family Aulostomidae :

Species of genus Aulostomus of family Aulostomidae :

Genera of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Balistapus of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Balistes of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Canthidermis of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Melichthys of family Balistidae :

Species of genus Sufflamen of family Balistidae :

Genera of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Chatrabus of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Halobatrachus of family Batrachoididae :

Species of genus Perulibatrachus of family Batrachoididae :

Genera of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Ablennes of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Belone of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Platybelone of family Belonidae :

Species of genus Tylosurus of family Belonidae :

Genera of family Blenniidae :

Species of genus Blennius of family Blenniidae :

Species of genus Ophioblennius of family Blenniidae :

Genera of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Arnoglossus of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Bothus of family Bothidae :

Species of genus Chascanopsetta of family Bothidae :

Genera of family Bramidae :

Species of genus Brama of family Bramidae :

Species of genus Taractes of family Bramidae :

Genera of family Caesionidae :

Species of genus Caesio of family Caesionidae :

Genera of family Calcinidae :

Species of genus Dardanus of family Calcinidae :

Genera of family Callionymidae :

Species of genus Callionymus of family Callionymidae :

Species of genus Synchiropus of family Callionymidae :

Genera of family Callorhinchidae :

Species of genus Callorhinchus of family Callorhinchidae :

Genera of family Cambaridae :

Species of genus Faxonius of family Cambaridae :

Species of genus Procambarus of family Cambaridae :

Genera of family Cancridae :

Species of genus Cancer of family Cancridae :

Genera of family Caproidae :

Species of genus Antigonia of family Caproidae :

Genera of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Alectis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Alepes of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Atule of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Campogramma of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Carangoides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Caranx of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Chloroscombrus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Decapterus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Elagatis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Elegatis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Gnathodon of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Lichia of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Megalaspis of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Naucrates of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Parastromateus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Pseudocaranx of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Scomberoides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selar of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selaroides of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Selene of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Seriola of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Seriolina of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Trachinotus of family Carangidae :

Species of genus Trachurus of family Carangidae :